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say it with crystal

this is about me, my days, my thoughts and my bead jewelry work. Some postings are in indonesian, and some are in english.

Samstag, Juli 30, 2005

The sky is not falling

I do a lot of thinking lately
About the sky, the stars and the sun
About hope, expectation, dream and fear

I do not know if I was thinking right

But I know for sure
The sky is not falling
The sun is still shining
And the stars will lighten up the dark sky at night

It is us that matter
Our hope
Our expectation
Our dream
Our fear

They might hold us back to see things clearly

Dienstag, Juli 26, 2005

My pins in Beadstyle Magazine September 2005

I received my subscription copy yesterday and just got a chance to scan it and put it in here.

About 2-3 mounths ago, I submitted my pin to Beadstyle magazine, and they aggreed to use one of my work for their pages. And here is the result (since the mag website does not put a link on it).

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The first pin was made by beadstyle editors, and the last 2 were mine. They even use my bohemian Czech leaves pin as a button to 'fashion forecast' link.

And the pins are one of the magazine's projects on this issue, so the 2 pages, 92 and 93 are 'step by step instruction' on how to make the pins.

It's very relieving and unbelievably happy knowing that people love our works. :-)

Montag, Juli 25, 2005

Is the sky falling down?

If the sky is really falling down
Why can't I even see it?

Am I flying too high,
too close to the sun so its bright blinds me?
Or am I swimming too peacefully amongst the white clouds
so the white covers my eyes?
Am I the only one who sees things differently?

If the sky is really falling down
Was it me?
Why can't I reach the sky without even put a scratch on it?
Why can't I climb the sky without ever bringing it down ?
Is it me?
Is it my hook too hard?
Is it the sky too delicate, so it could not stand a touch ?

Is it me?
Is it that life so hard
so I can't even take my breath without worrying that it would leave a stain on the earth?

Is the sky really falling down?

Samstag, Juli 23, 2005

Friendster Horoscope

To anyone who had joined Friendster, Did you ever noticed what your Zodiac sign tell you day by day? Are they any true?

I noticed mine lately. And, I think, somehow, what they say for some point is true and maybe I could say 90% correct. Everything the horoscope said, about how I felt, what I thought today, what I expected, is probably true. It’s like having someone close telling me what I felt today. Isn’t that spooky??

Like today, The Horoscope says:

Today's Forecast
You're all set up to take charge of the situation, and to do a fine job of it. Should anyone be brave -- or foolhardy -- enough to question you, you'll put them in their place in no time flat.

The Bottom Line
You've got a new idea or two, today. Take a deep breath and dive into the unknown.

In Detail
When you're in the mood to take charge, you really do take charge -- at times, so much so that you amaze your friends and startle even those who aren't all that familiar with you. And you're in just that kind of mood now, so don't be surprised if you end up feeling so darned cocky that it's tough for even those who love you to recognize you. Don't back down, though. It's good to keep them on their toes.

The fact is:
I did have an idea, early in the morning, today. I thought it was a good idea. But I am going to sleep on it first before doing any action.
And when I thought I need to do something. I take an action right away. I just wish that it will end as well as I expected.

So, the point is:
I believe that Zodiac signs give a little contribution to what we are today. Zodiac Signs characterized people differently.
But in telling me what I felt today, that’s quite new. It’s fun, but at the same time make me realize there is ‘SOMEONE’ watching me.

Mittwoch, Juli 20, 2005

My first published book

Membuat Pehiasan dari manik-manik

Available at book store in August 2005

Published by
Pt.Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Freitag, Juli 15, 2005

I learnt my leason (again)!

Forgive me if my postings recently seemed a bit blue and sad. I was blue. And I was sad. And I was so desperate to know the truth and at the same time to reveal the truth, the expectation, the sadness and the dissapoitment I found in my heart before I can tell that this is over

And it is over now
I learnt my leason (again)!
And the last thing I should do is laughing at my own stupidity
At my own believe
At my own positively thinking over anything
At my own self convidence
Yeah...they blinded me
And the funny side is...This is not my first...
Helloww....I once there...
And the other someone was the one who helping me recover from the first...
Don't you think is funny? funnier than friends series? Funnier from Joey?

If life give me a grade
years ago, I learnt my first leason, and it granted me with a post graduate on my own stupidity on friendship...nice hah?
And now, years later, I took my second leason, it should give me a master degree
And if this keep happening to me..
I am gonna be a life example of stupidity in friendship...
As long as I live..
When I die..I am gonna be a legend...
The future will take me as their science project
So everyone else would not take the same stupid way of mine..

At least, by then I will be something for humanity ..:-)

Donnerstag, Juli 14, 2005

Say nothing...

Say nothing...
Thousand words you said...
Meant 10 words to me...
More words you said...
Does not change the meaning of it
It proves me even more; I was right all along…
(I was just not brave enough to face it)

A year of searching
Has come to an end…
You were right
That had been done
Could not be undone
That had been hurt
Could not be un-hurt
(Although I still hope there is some way to relieve the pain :-( )

I am done here
It’s time for me to go on...

*take a bow*
-With all due repect--

Samstag, Juli 09, 2005


Jam 5 pagi. Udah 1 jam gue melek, dan gak bisa balik tidur lagi.
Banyak pikiran kepikiran.
Things I've done
Words I said
Things they did
Words they said
Things had happened
And every single pieces followed that makes things even worse :-(

Kenapa orang suka milih jalan yang susah padahal ada jalan lebih simple yang bisa diambil.
Jawabnya, ya mungkin karena jalan yang susah lebih aman. Udah kenal path-nya. Jalan yang simple ada resiko yang belum dikenali.

Kenapa orang milih diem, padahal dia punya hak bicara. Dan dia bisa bicara memberikan penjelasan sehingga orang lain mengerti, ketimbang membiarkan orang lain bertanya dan bereksperimen memberikan rekayasa.
Kenapa orang memberikan jawaban yang tidak tepat dan muter-muter, padahal inti pertanyaan tetap tidak terjawab.
Jawabnya karena orang juga punya hak untuk nggak ngejawab. Untuk diem. Untuk muter2.

Kenapa orang suka bohong yang gak perlu.
Kenapa orang suka nutup2in yang gak perlu ditutupin.
Jawabnya karena belum tentu yang dibohongin tau bahwa dia dibohongin. Dan mungkin karena ybs berfikir bahwa gak perlu semua kebenaran dibuka.

Kenapa gue sibuk mempertanyakan itu semua, padahal gue udah tau jawabannya.
Karena gue juga manusia, yang masih belum bisa puas sampai gue denger jawabannya dari yang bersangkutan.

Jadi, balik lagi.
Face your problem and deal with it.
When you still have time and it's just as big as a poppy seed.
Or it's gonna haunt you forever.

Freitag, Juli 08, 2005

malas day aka jutek day!!

Malas banget nich...
Thanks God it's Friday!!
Tapi nggak ngaruh juga sich...
Banyak pikiran euy..jadi malas ngapa2in, boro2 bikin kalung, kalau lagi BT gini mana bisa ngerjain begituan...yang ada maunya main game, nonton TV atau apa aja deh yang gak pakai mikir...
Pernah gak ngerasain there are so much to do, but the only thing you can do just wait, and let things happen the way it should be..
Desperate ya? hehehe..iya kali...
Gue butuh liburan nih...capek juga berkutat ama gambar dan komputer berhari2 plus berkutat dengan pikiran sendiri...

Masak aja malas...
Buntu! penuh nih kepala ama hal2 yang gak perlu dipikirin, tapi kok kepikiran ya...
Gimana caranya buang pikiran yang gak perlu?
Isi dengan kegiatan positif? like? *blank*
Isi dengan pemikiran positif? like? *blank*

Nyetrika aja kali ya...
Wah, indah banget kegiatannya...:-(
mandi berendam air panas kayaknya enak nich...
Ya udah deh..kayaknya that's the best idea for this moment...

Ok,...gue mo ber-bubble bath- ria dulu...

Kalung vampire

Bingung namainnya apa...tapi biasanya di film2 vampire, cewek2nya khan pakai kalung yang rumbai2 gini....makanya pas gue kasih suami liat kalung ini, komentarnya ya.."kalung vampire?"...:-)
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Ok...Buat Lili/ Ummi..., base modul dari kalung ini aku dapat dari buku yang tempo hari aku beli, ada di postingan sebelumnya...jadi udah gak ada utang ya...hehehe..:-)
Udah di share disini...bedanya yang di buku, materialnya lain, plus gak jadi kalung vampire, cuma gelang aja...dan material stringingnya pun beda...
Material beda, hasil beda...pasti...

Yang jelas, gue tuh gak pernah bisa bikin yang persis sama di buku, karena di tengah jalan, pasti gue milih selera sendiri, dan material sendiri....jadi gitu deh...

Mia n indieperle di Bunda In Biz

Beberapa minggu lalu Nadia, editor plus ownernya ngontak gue, dan minta kesediaan gue untuk ber'interview online' untuk BundaInBiz. It's an honoured, gue sempetin untuk isi interviewnya...

SO, hari ini gue liat Nadia udah sempat update blognya dengan Mia Gofar dan Indieperle-nya. Thanks Nadia...:-), sukses selalu dgn BundaInBiz-nya